It was an off & on, good, bad & ugly day out there today. On my first look at Rabbit Island, at 0705, I found what would prove to be Kainoa (RN04), Sadie (RB12), Aukai(RL12), at the left end of the the beach, and the same U/F from the last few days, right of 3BS . The UF would move to 1BS in the afternoon, and all the others moved to the left end rock flats, mid morning. I was in and out of Makai Pier due to the game being in rain delay for a while.

My pass through the SE quadrant earlier, produced zero results, and Gayle’s mid day call brought the same news. With the high surf the usual spots were impossible. Despite all that, Kolohe (RW22) found a way to get high and kinda’/sorta’ dry at Buster Flats, Lanai Lookout, at 1434.
A DanaTxt at 0803 brought word of 2 animals at Backdoor/Pipeline.
Thankfully, Karen Turner responded and finally provided shots which allowed an ID. The male was RK36 (R4DJ), and the mystery female would prove to be Nihoa (R912). She is a long way from her west side canal hangouts. Hopefully, she is back to the north shore and upper east side where is has pupped before. Only Nihoa Knows !! Thank you to Tracy for cooberating the Nihoa ID.

A 0830 DanaTxt advised that Kaikaina (RL54) was at the elvbow, Turtle Bay.
A 1023 DanaTxt advised of an U/U at Hauula. No further word.
In the Yesterday’s News department, posse member Val Bloy sent shots of Rocky(RH58)&PK4. Thank you Val !
Kainoa and Aukai
RK36 and Nihoa
very sweet
PK4 Rocky's kid
Mamma Rocky and PK4
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