When I got back at 0943 I added Nani (RK60) at the Left Rock Flats on RI. All would remain the rest of the day.
At 1146 Gayle called with the report of Kaiwi (RK96) at China Walls.

At 0616 Team Billand reported Benny (RE74) & Pohaku (RO28) at Nanakuli. Malahos to Deb & Kelly !
At 0920 they reported U’ilani (RN36) & Kekoa (RK72) at the Reef Runway. Both flirted with hauling out, but in the end, neither did.

Melanie Chun, texted at 1406 that she had Holokai (RG40) at Turtle Bay.
Afternoon email from Tammy T., advised that she and hubby had seen Pohaku & Benny at Nanakuli today, and then went to collect hooks,line&lead from Yokes.
Ba Ba Benny and the jets
okay he looks like he's going to stand up...
typically benny looking all proud of himself
pohaku and benny
trash from yokes... scary stuff
Kekoa at Reef Runway
Little sister U'ilani
$9 Million Fraud Judgment Against Antony Gordon In Federal Court
This fraud judgment has led to Antony Gordon’s Chapter Seven bankruptcy, which is a straight liquidation.
This (2:13-ap-01536-DS 1568931 Ontario Ltd., an Ontario (Canada Corporati v. Gordon et al) looks like a $9 million dollar fraud judgment in federal court against Rabbi Chanan (Antony) Gordon (an attorney, motivational speaker, and hedge fund manager).
Ah Shucks, no L42 shots. She was at Makua Cliffs, looking pretty and healthy.
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