When I got back to Makai Pier at 0940 I found that there was another animal near Mojo. Though this U/M would remain all day I was never able to confirm an ID. I could see a singe right side red tag and an new coat, but that was all he would give me. Maybe tomorrow ????
Despite lots of looking by both Gayle and myself there was no Kaiwi today.
Team Billand checked in at 0712 to advise that Linda had called them with the report of Benny (RE74) at Secrets.
Dalin called at 1049 with the report of an U/U at Diamond Head. Dana called 1231 to advise that Jason had responded and confirmed the Rocky (RH58) ID. Posse member Christian also checked in at 1342 and confirmed the Rocky ID. Thanks for the shots guys.
At 1232 Dana called with a report of an U/U at Moku Nui. Donna forwarded shots from posse member Anissa at Kailua Sailboards showing KC (RK28), fully molted snoozin’ on the Mokes. She had last been reported on 10-15-13, on Kauai.
A 1623 they found M&M (R020) hauling out to join Kermit at 1708B, WP.
Posse member Susan Lewis trekked to Ka’ena Point for a 2nd consecutive day, and sent photos of RW02 with another look at the new RFF wound, and Ka’ena (RO40) at the end of the world.
U/M on Rabbit Island
KC taking in some sunshine on the Mokulua Islands
Rocky at Diamond Head
some additional shots from Jason of Rocky
Ka'ena and RW02
Kermit and MM
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