At 0758 I found what would prove to be Kolohe (RW22) once again in the Morning Glory fronting 1BS on Rabbit Island. When I got back to Makai Pier he had moved down to cool off, and remained all day, moving up with the rising tide.
Thank you to Gayle and Melanie for all the hard miles.
At 0718 Team Billand reported Makaiwi (R4DF) at the fence line, White Plains. She would be gone at 1145.
At 0847 the Billands found Kermit (R012) at the #1813 pavilion, Nimitz Cottages. A NOAA crew responded to get a Critter Cam on him, but it did not work out. They did however get a new N4 bleach on him.
At 1030 the Billands reported Ewa Girl (RS00) at Wind Sock. She got a new N2 bleach
At 1109 Dana called with the report of RI37 at Waialua.
At 1126 the Billands reported the arrival of RIP (RR70) & M&M (R020) to the WP fence line. They would be gone , along with Makaiwi on their 1145 check. RIP would haul out to Tower#2 at 1339, and got a new N1 bleach. M&M would haul out to Tower#2 at 1440 and she got a new N23 bleach.
At 1140 Ocean Safety called with the report of an animal at Maili Beach Park. The Billand would confirm the R912 ID.
At 1200 the Billands reported U’ilani at the Reef Runway. She got a new N37 bleach today.
I’m not quite clear on who the bleach crew was. I heard Mark and Sarah’s names. If there were others, Thank you ..................very much !!
At 1537 Dana called with the report of Luana (RN58) at the end of the road, Mokuleia.
At 1644 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) at Guard Rails Beach.
Check the blog in the morning for the Billand’s day.
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