Circumstantial though it might be that most certainly says Kea to me. I spent an hour observing Hanauma Bay from on top, but never saw anything.
At 1028 Buster (RV08) moved into my line of sight from behind the Morning Glory covered dune, left of 1BS, on RI. He would move down to the far left end of the beach, and remain there the rest of the day. His molt is 30%.
At 1308 on a routine check of Blowhole, I found Kea (RN46) snoozin’ in the cove to the Sandy Beach side of the Blowhole Lookout. This is yesterday’s location also. He had not been there on previous checks. Marilyn advised that he was still there on her 1808 check.
Team Billand called at 0708 with the report of Makaiwi (R4DF) at Tower#2, White Plains.
At 1010 Ocean Safety called with the report of an U/U at Nanakuli Beach Park. Team Billand confirmed the Pohaku (RO28) ID.
At 1108 the Billands reported the arrival of Kermit (R012) to the showers, White Plains.
At 1128 they reported RIP (RR70) hauling out to join Kermit.
At 1207 the Billands called to advise of a reported U/U at Lagoon#4, KoOlina. Volunteer Linda responded and cordoned off Haupu (RB24).
Buster on Rabbit Island
Kea at blow hole
RK36 at Alan Davis
PO1 racing down to the shore line
Whew! that was a work out time for a nap
mom! mom! where are you mom!
did you miss me mom?
Kermit at White plains
Makaiwi Kermit and Rip
Makaiwi resting and Mr. Rip riding the wave in...
I came as fast I could!
Haupu at KoOlina
Pohaku at Nanakuli ....ouch!
she'll be fine.... getting some much needed rest
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