At 0722 I found Kainoa (RN04) 40 ft right of 3BS on Rabbit Island.
At 0713 Team Billand checked in with the report of Makaiwi (4DF) at the showers, and Kermit (R012) fronting #1708, White Plains.
At 0809 they reported Haupu (RB24) between the bunkers just west of Wind Sock.
At 0830 the Billands found Buster (RV08) at #1708. He and Kermit were having words. Buster would depart at 1550.
At 1224 Team Billand found U’ilani (RN36) at the Reef Runway.
The Billands advised that somewhere between 1230 & 1330, M&M (R020) hauled out to join Makaiwi at the showers, WP.
They found Ewa Girl (RS00) at Wind Sock at 1417.
Buster and Kermit
Kermit Buster Maka'iwi MM
Maka'iwi MM
Ewa Giel Windsock
Little munchkin U'ilani
all I know is... Barb must have been doing a dance seeing this little one today!
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