At 0721, from the Makapuu Overview, I found Kolohe (RW22) snoozin’ in the Morning Glory at the left end of Rabbit Island. When I got to Makai Pier I found, Mojo (RI17) at Right Greenery. I thought it was Mojo yesterday but couldn’t prove it. Today his natural bleach on his head was clearly visible.
On my 2nd look at RI I found Kainoa (RN04), 70 ft right of 3BS on RI. Duke (RA12) would haul out to join him at 0949. They would both enter the water at 0956. Duke would haul out again to join Kolohe & Mojo .
Unfortunately two morons who clearly read, but did not comprehend "Keep Off Island" signs, arrived on two red kayaks, landing 25 ft away from Mojo. He was alone upon there arrival, but after they began to explore the island, Kolohe moved over to join Mojo and then Duke hauled out to join them. When the two got back there were 3 critters 30 ft away from their kayaks. Fortunately they departed without further interaction with the animals. Sadly, my calls to DOCARE brought word that there were no officers available to respond due to all hands being involved in cleaning up their end of the Presidential vacation.
Marilyn, Melanie & Gayle as well as myself , covered many a mile on the Kea / Kaiwi hunt.Thank you very much to all. Posse membe Teri would come through with a call at 1658 reporting Kea (RN04) at Spitting Cave. She clearly saw the bleach as well as his white fore flippers. Mariyn went to try to get confirmation photos, but alas he was gone when she got there.
Team Billand called at 0700 with the report of Buster (RV08) at 1708, White Plains. He would be run off by tourists at 0908. The Billands would find him again at 1722 at the Kalaeloa Boat Harbor.
At 0815 they reported Makaiwi (R4DF) at 1806, Nimitz Cottages. She was gone at 0929 but they found her again fronting #1701 Nimitz Cottages at 0938.
At 0908 the Billands reported the arrival of Kermit (R012) to #1708B.
Cianna called at 1238 with the report of an animal in Waialua. She confirmed the RI37 ID at 1407.
Posse member Susan Lewis called at 1022 with the report of an animal with a new wound to its RFF at Ka’ena Pt. After a series of calls and then supporting photos, it appeared that RW02 was they animal with the RFF wound, and that he was there with RIP (RR70), Ka’ena (RO40) & Kerby (RW08). Thank you Susan ! Ya’ Done Good !!!
The moment of DUH
Mojo and the morons..
sounds like a 50's band.... (ie. bill haley and his comets.... MOJO and his morons)
Buster and Mike and Deidra
Kermit looks like a young whippersnapper with his new coat
Maka'iwi - Jake and Lanny
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