At 1029 Buster (RV08) galumphed out from behind the dune and Morning Glory left of 1BS, on RI. He would move down the water line to cool off, and at 1107 I lost sight of him amongst the rocks. He probably departed. I did not see him again during the observation period. I was also not able to get a molt percentage.
Problems with uncooperative cast, and heat distortion due to the cold winds made observations difficult.
My first act this morning was to check last night’s Kea location at the Blowhole end of Sandy Beach. He was not there but witnesses said that he had departed 15 minutes prior to my arrival at 0700.
Gayle called at 1206 with the report of Kea (RN46) in the small cove on the Sandy Beach side of the Blowhole Lookout. He was still there on my 1400 check.
Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) between the east end fence line & Tower#1 at White Plains at 0744.
At 1110 the Billands reported Ewa Girl (RS00) at the birth beach, Reef Runway.
At 1332 Team Billand found R912 fronting #1806, Nimitz Cottages.
At 1411 the Billands reported RIP (RR70) arriving to join Kermit at WP.
Vera Cober sent shots from her R5AY&Pup shift.
I've had Yahoo problems all afternoon, but somehow I'm back in cyberspace again. Just in time too... I was just about to post you were having problems.... :-) see the blog can't go on without you!
5AY and PO1
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