Irma" (oooold,show), would play a role in my life today. Sure enough when I arrived I found Irma at the east end of Sandy Beach. I got her cordoned off, and she has remained there all day. Mark got a new N3 bleach on her, right side, shoulder and hip. On my 1530 check Irma was gone. There were no witnesses in the area.
On my 0728 Spitting Cave check I found Buster doing 12 minute dives.
My first look at Rabbit Island had been a bust, however when I got back to Makai Pier at 0854 I found Duke up in the grass behind Seal Rock Inlet. He would later move down , allowing the ID, and spent the rest of the day there.
On a pan at 0902 I found Mojo and Kolohe just hauling out together at 3BS. They would remain there the rest of the day.
At 0954 I became aware of a swimming head at the far left end of the beach. RIP would haul out, and galumph higher on the beach where he remained the rest of the day.
Dera called at 1007 with the report of Right Spot at Rocky Point today. Thank you Jeanie , and an U/U at tower #1 at White Plains. Dana Jones would confirm the Kermit ID at 1220.
Mojo and Kolohe
N3 Irma

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