At 0647 I found Mojo at the left end of the beach. When I first saw him he had a single tendril of old coat hanging off his posterior dorsal (butt). He entered th water at 0745, and hauled out again, 70 ft right of RIP at 3BS. The tendril was gone. He was officially 100% molted. He had last been seen on 10-1-10.
At 0908 Kolohe arrived , and hauled out between RIP and Mojo. Mojo moved over, but there was never any interaction. All three remained there the rest of the day, only moving up with the rising tide.
Because I was intent on getting these IDs, Marilyn did the Spitting Cave by herself. At 0752 she reported Buster at SC, and at 0807 called again to say that a 2nd, small, animal with a new coat had arrived. She departed for KP, and I got over to Spitting Cave at 0847. I found Duke by himself, with his brand new, and perfect N18 showing. He was doing 8 minute dives.
I returned to Makai Pier and at 1128 the cast increased again. Sadie hauled out to 1BS, and remained there the rest of the day. I last saw her on 10-10-10.
At 0720 Team Billand checked in with the report of Irma at tower #1, White Plains.
Their next call came at 0822 with the report of Kermit at Kermit's Reef, on the west side of the Nimitz jetty.
At 1517 they called with the report of 4DF at Iroquois Point. Posse member Clay said he had arrived at 1430.
At 1100 Marilyn, reported Gigantic, gnarly waves, and two critters trying to survive the point. Initially she found Ka'ena on the rubble beach, and Kiko trying to haul out to her outside rocks, which the waves would not allow.She got blasted off her favorite perch. She finally came inside to the rubble beach, I don't think she has ever been that far inside before. Ka'ena got washed a few time too. At 1141 Marilyn called to add that our UM/CeeCee had arrived. She managed to get 3 shots before the last of her two batteries died. Her shots have satisfied Keith and I that it's CeeCee. We are awaiting Tracy's input.
Posse member Lesley checked in at 1235 with the report of huge , stormy waves, and two critters. She and fellow volunteer,
Afternoon email from D. Schofield provided shots from Pua Kamaka of an animal just north of Kualoa Beach Park. Photographic evidence suggested KC, and at 1756 a call from The Donna (Festa) confirmed that she was there with KC. Check the blog for Donna's shots.
RIP, Kolohe and Mojo
Blog Lady sits with KC
Just want to say today's blog entry has to go on record as one of the longest.... This is hour two of uploading files. I had intentions of writing a little blurb about the wonderful people I met today... Zac the life guard talking story about diving and having the "smart seal steal his catch" - Peter and Elise from Switzerland who just happen to stop and take a picture of chinaman's hat and found a little treasure - Pua and Stan who waited patiently for me to arrive. And Stan who returned in the evening and agreed to bring the signs to Pua if KC left (which she did at approx. 7:15pm) - of course I left at 7:00. A very long day indeed. Lots of seals lots of waves lots of blog entries...
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