Friday, November 12, 2010

11/12/2010 Team Billand

 T21 photos by posse Clay
 RO28 cookie cutter wounds healing


Barbara said...

Saw a seal at Maili Pt as we drove by, made U turn, ran down to rocks, HEY, where is the seal I know I saw??? I heard a snort, followed sound, couldnt locate the seal. Suddenly saw this little head pop up from behind rocks..Oh looks like Benny. The head snuck around another Rock..Yep, thats Benny. It was so cute. And..on my way back to the car, I spotted a silver thing, went to inspect to discover...a seal!!! And it had these huge cookie marks, one fresh! I remembered reading about this seal on DB's Daily's out at Kaena Pt. OH MY GOD!! It was R028!!! She is the off spring of the female seal SHOT ON KAUAI LAST YEAR!! She is four years old and BEAUTIFUL, but, too bad with all the scars and new cookie. I was thrilled!!! I felt so honored seeing her for the first time so proud to be in her presence!! I thought, HOW THE HELL...CAN ANY HUMAN, SHOOT AND KILL A SEAL LIke he did on Kauai???? AND WHY???? I said a prayer for this pretty girl before me. I hope no man will EVER harm this creature of the sea..or any other seal,PERIOD!! WOW, isnt this cool??? I wondered if Benny was with her this morning??? He was just down the other end...hmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she has a new scrape/wound on an old scar just in front of her right flipper to "compliment" the one that's healing. See picture of the original bad wound and a healed wound just in front of her right flipper - blog on 11/6/10.