His major markers were an entanglement scar on his neck, a fresh epoxy patch where his transmitter used to be, an old coat, and a posterior ventral,left scar. An afternoon conversation with Tracy, and checking the Molokai shots, at 1600, gave me the ID.
RE70 was at mid beach, 40 ft left of 1BS. Directly behind him, up at the cliff were Buster and Sadie.
At 0848, Mojo hauled out 90 ft left of 1BS , where he remained by himself the rest of the day.
A 0855, Duke hauled out and attempted to move to RE70. A snort and a snap brought that idea to a halt. Duke continued on up to the Morning Glory where he joined Buster and Sadie. All 3 would roll and play up there and all would move down and enter the water at 0940. Duke would haul out again to RE70's location at 0949, and again was rebuffed. He spent the rest of the day, 10 ft away. I did not see Buster or Sadie again today.
At 1040 Sam hauled out and he too attempted to move to RE70. He was barked off, so he continued on up and into the Morning Glory, where he spent the rest of the day. 
At 1231 RIP arrived. He paid RE70 no mind at all, and RE70 ignored him also. RIP moved to Duke and did some brief nuisance nuzzling, for few minutes. He then moved off to the left and up, and spent the rest of
the day, 80 ft left of 1BS.
Dera called at 1050 with a report from the Fire Surf School people at Kalaeloa Campgrounds about an animal on the beach near their operation. Dera thought someone was going to respond, however I've not heard anything else.
With Team Billand in Vegas, new eyes are needed in the SW quadrant until their return on 11-9. Anyone living in the area, who can check the Iroquois Point , Ewa Beach, White Plains, Kalaeloa, Nimitz Beach sights, and what the heck West side spots too , would be greatly appreciated by the critters.
RE70, Duke, Sadie and Buster
RE70, RIP and Duke
Sam, RE70 and Duke
Mojo, RE70, Sadie and Buster
Mojo, Sadie, Duke, Buster, and RE70
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