It was one of those nightmare days at Rabbit Island today. The cast began with Mojo and Duke at 3BS, and what would prove to be Buster 50 ft to their right. When I got back to MP at 0909, all were gone, however Mojo would haul out to 2BS, and Duke to SRI. Buster would arrive at 1BS later in the afternoon.
Things began to go wrong with the arrival of 2 male snorkelers at 3BS at 1333. They proceeded to explore
the island from tip to tip, meeting Duke and Mojo in the process. Both animals alerted to them, but did not leave. I made the DOCARE call at 1339. At 1403 I noticed a DOCARE vehicle at Kaupo Beach Park, and at 1438 there were two.
The snorkels would depart RI at 1438, however just as that saga ended two kayaks arrived with two couples on board, landing just right of 3BS. Armed with a bottle of wine, they too explored the island from tip to tip. Buster attempted to haul out to 1BS at 1502. He was run off twice by one of the guys. Later during their exploration they would meet Buster, Duke and Mojo, on two
separate occasions as they passed first one way and then coming back. They finally departed the island at 1544, and to my horror I looked toward Kaupo Beach Park and both the DOCARE vehicles were departing at 1547. The work day was over, and they don't get overtime. Two incidents, and 6 people total. All got away clean....AGAIN !!!!!!!
Team Billand reported Kermit at Maili Pt. at 0744.
Dera called at 1340 to advise that Kelly Evans had reported Right Spot at her "right spot" at Turtle Bay.
I recieved shots from Ella and Dave Siroskey today, documenting R5AY's haul out to Hauula Beach Park yesterday (11-13-10).
Bad Guys and Gals, idiots, dumbos, goof balls.
Looking at these morons, just taking a walk around the RI and its critters, MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL! KNOWING THE OFFICERS WERE THERE WATCHING, THEN LEAVE WITHOUT FINING THESE BIMBO'S, JUST SUPER APPAULING!!THERE IS NO JUSTICE FOR THE LAW BREAKERS!!! A FEDERAL PROTECTED/STATE PROTECTED/ CRITICALLY ENDANGERED STATE MAMMAL..BEING CLEARLY HARRASSED!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE LAW???? NO ENFORCEMENT???? Turn the other way, drive off???? Are you folks insane???? Look here, the guy is clearly bothering the seal, RIGHT IN ITS FACE??? HELLO??? And with a bottle of wine to celebrate their victory of not getting caught, I am so angry right now!!! I cant imagine DB there, calling for troops to catch these DICKHEADS!! MAN OH MAN, this is WRONG!!! WE NEED SOME GUYS WITH BALLS TO DO SOMETHING TO THESE OFFENDERS!!! BUST THEM, BOOK EM!! What are laws made for if you cant do something???? BAH!!! So, I guess I can go there on RI too, with my tent, and just camp out with the seals....whose gonna care???? Sorry DB, Sorry seals...this is plain...CRAP!! And where did the Kayaks come from??? Are these folks military people? Or are they just stupid tourists looking for a good time? IF military then I think they should be reported to their Captain for breaking the law, landing on R.I. BAH!!!
very frusterating for sure..
and if the seal hurt one of them, then someone would want something done with the seal...?
I am not sure whay they can not enforce this trespassing on a clearly marked area...very sad.
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