Aloha Good People,
I received this photo of T12 (Rocky's boy) from volunteer Kelly.... Kelly said the photo was from today (Thanksgiving) and it was reported...... however I don't know where the little T12 was hanging out, nor did I see anything in DBs' daily or any emails from Dana Jones HMSRTO volunteer coordinator... so if anyone has any additional information it would be greatly appreciated. This little boy was born on Kauai sometime in April and tagged on or close to June 3rd. So for this little one to make his way from Kauai to Oahu is pretty amazing. ~da blog lady~ (P.S. - the little bugger is on Kauai ... my misunderstanding - HOWEVER still love sharing the information with everyone.)
Oh how darling and the photo so sweet and clear. Yes, find out where he was spotted, something to look forward to if on Oahu. Thanks for sharing. Now I am very excited...and look at that flipper, similiar to Rocky's.
He was on Aliomanu beach (north of Kapa'a) dozing on Thanksgiving day. Very cute! Just went out this morning and he's not there anymore :(
okay okay.... my total misundersanding.... T12 is not on Oahu he is still on Kauai.... whew!
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