It was pretty much pure misery on Makai Pier today. NW , chilly winds, blowing rain, only occasion glimpses of Rabbit Island during those few moments when the visibility improved to CRAPPY, and oh yes, the occasion white water blast onto the lanai. The COSTCO umbrella got a workout today. Even with all of that I still managed to ID 4 critters.
At 0722 I found Kolohe, in his favorite depression, 70 ft right of 3BS, and down the beach a bit at 110 ft right of the 3BS, up in the grass, were Mojo and Duke. At 1040 Sadie hauled out and moved up to join the boys. There was just minimal interaction between Duke and Sadie. That was that. It was just the 5 of us enjoying another RI day.
Team Billand called at 0653 to advise that Irma was one again at White Plains, near tower #1.
I'm happy to report that email from Tracy, advised that she agreed that our little U/M at Ka'ena Point has been CeeCee all along , based on Marilyn's shots from yesterday, added to the wealth of previous shots from Karen, Keith and Marilyn. To all concerned....Ya' Done Good !!!
Yall' know my ol' pal 4DJ. He's been hanging out at Iroquois Point lately. For many years now the office folks have tried to get me to use his real name, T21M (permanent ID number). His 4DJ tag was actually is old Laysan tag, and has been all but gone for years. Being a crotchety ol' guy, I've stubbornly refused to change. Probably nobody in the posse even knows that 4DJ had a runnin' buddy, 4DI. Both were ol' dudes and I haven't seen DI in years. It's the same story with him. 4DI was his Laysan tag. His real name is T757. Well, Tracy tells me that there is now a red tagged new guy on Kauai whose tags are 4DJ/4DI, so I'm going to have to make the change, just in case the new guy ever shows up over here. So.......... T21M & T757 it is .
Irma covering up - great shot Barb
Wet Rabbit
1 comment:
I love all of Irmas wrinkle shots, unbelievable!
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