Sunday, November 28, 2010

11/28/2010 Sunday at White Plains

Benny doing his morning crunches
 Hey guys so nice of you to get me a chair
 Okay so is that sitting kid roped off or the seal?


Barbara said...

Yet another day at the Plains with Benny on Day #10...and he was at the Lifeguard Tower One. Problems? Yes, children running into the perimeter many a time. Even the Lifeguards yelled at folks..Move Away From the SEAL!!
ROb and I were very grateful to Jan and Willie who guarded Irma, while we took care of Benny. ALso, thanks from the heart to Jim Brown who did an afternoon shift with Us. Oh how nice when we dont have to keep running back and forth at Plains...Volunteers...they are appreciated. It went much better today...and even Benny was less stressful, remained on shore, snoozing his heart away. Cool.
Once again, Lifeguards were very understanding of Benny..made a separate Tent on the side of Benny, so Benny could have the Tower ONE allll to himself. But at 4:30pm, Benny galumphed his chubby body, back up to the Tower for the night. I think Benny is the Lifeguards mascot. Miss Irma got a lot of visitors but Jan & Willie, took care of Irma....she remained on shore till 5:12pm, then left on her own. Benny still the Tower One...will he be back tomorrow???? We'll see....

Keith Kenyon said...

the plot thickens... will Benny be there?... or over THERE?


Thanks, Team B