My first look at Rabbit Island had been a bust, however when I got back to Makai Pier at 0946 I found Duke and Sam together at the far left end of the beach. They would remain there all day. There was no observed interaction.
At 1157 Sadie hauled out at Seal Rock Inlet at the right end of the beach. She would remain there the rest of the day.
Team Billand found RO28 at Guard Rails Beach, Maili Pt. at 0836. Also at 0836 they advised that they had gotten a call from one of their posse reporting Benny at Tower#1, White Plains, however when they arrived Benny was gone. Witnesses said he had been run off by idiots. You know Benny never gives up. He would haul out again fronting cottage #1708 at 1031.
The Billands found Irma waiting for them at Wind Sock, Kalaeloa Beach, at 0957.
Dera called at 1354 with the report of an animal at Mokuleia. According to the caller the same animal had also been there yesterday. There was no ID info. The single photo that arrived a bit ago provides no useable info for ID purposes, however it's possible there is a molt going on there. More photos, concentrating on the animals markers and sex, are definitely required.
Posse person, Stacey Stella called in the late afternoon, asking if there were any seals in our neighborhood, to which I answered , No. I told
her to feel free to do a beach check since Mom-in-law was visiting and she wanted to see an animal. To my Total shock Stacey called at 1645 to excitedly tell me that Right Spot was at the east end of Sandy Beach ! I had not see anybody on my last check, but sure enough when I arrived, there was Right Spot snoozin' at the east end. I got her cordoned off and will recheck her shortly. YA' DONE GOOD STACEY !!!
I picked up the rope and left the signs at 1900. Right Spot remains.
Right Spot
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