Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7/27/2016 DB's Dailies: Kala,Benny,U/F, Kekoa,Aukai, Cass, U/F, U/U&RG32@Rabbit Island

On Marilyn’s 0530 check of AD, Kawena was out for a swim. I’ve gotten no further word today.

 It was yet another bumper crop day at Rabbit Island with a cast of 9. At 0908 I found a gang of 4 out on the left end rock flats, that would prove to be the U/F , I believe to be Sadie (but can not prove), being attended be Benny (RE74). He was in a day long running battle with Kekoa(RK72). Benny kept running him off, and he kept coming back. Benny was definitely in charge.  Also there was poor little Kala (RH76) just trying to stay outta’ the way of these outta’ control males.

 On a pan at 0927 I found what would prove to be Aukai (RK72) newly arrived at Seal Rock Inlet. She would be joined there by Cass (RG06) at 1206. Kekoa would also be in and out multiple times thru the day.

 On a pan at 1018 I found a newly arrived group of 3 , partially visible at Rocky Right Beach. They would prove to be the molter U/F, that I believe to be Nani (but can not prove), RG32, and an U/U animal I could never see enough of to make a call.

 The only news out of quadrant came from posse member Tammy T., who spent quality time with Ua Malie&PO5 at Turtle Bay today. Thanks Tammy !!

 In the Yesterday’s News department, Val sent along a couple of shots of PK3 on Kauai. Thanks Val !

 Kala, UF Benny and Kekoa 
 UF, UU and RG32
Ua Malie and PO5
 good belly shot... little girl?  oh this would be great news
 look a stick...! or two (uncross your eyes little one)
 latest fashion in sand wear... fully covered back and a head piece to match
 Weaner PK3 on Kauai

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