than a few million birds, I was battin' zero until a Kaiwi Kove regular called
at 0842 to advise that the little one was hauling out. When I arrived at 0849 I
found Kaiwi (RK96) newly arrived and 50 ft west of the Naupaka. By 0904 she had
moved into her favorite bush. She has remained all day, with Elves in
attendance. Kaiwi began her galumph to the see at 1846, and was in open water at
1851. Tomorrow ??
On my 3rd check of Blowhole,
at 1200, I found Kolohe (RW22) and Irma (R010) foraging together. It appeared to
be a straight foraging mission, with no observed interactions.
Team Billand called at 1045
to report Kermit (R012) at Nimitz Cove, on the west side of the Nimitz
At 1405
they found 2AW at Makaha.
Posse member Clay Gates, reported that Rocky (RH58)
hauled out at Iroquois Point at 1245. She remains at sunset.
Irma and Kolohe @ blow hole
Kermit @ Nimitz (thank you team Billand)
2AW @ Makaha (thank you Team Billand)
Rocky @ Iroquois (thank you Clay)
Is that a submarine "guarding" our Rocky?
Thought it made a cool backdrop.
Indeed it did! Anonymous 1
Please people sign your names... if log in as Anonymous, please identify yourself. Thank you da blog lady.
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