Saturday, March 13, 2010

3/13/2010 More Letters Needed... SB2441

Aloha Volunteers and Supporters of HMS,

Another letter writing opportunity to support Bill 2441. This is suppose to be the last and most difficult hurdle. Your written testimony is extremely important and your presence to support this bill would also be appreciated if you can make it on Tuesday, March 16th, 2:15PM by the Judicial Committee - House Conference Room 325. SOS has been an instrumental supporter and contact at the JUD level.

HMSRTO supporters' letters sent by volunteers has also been extremely important. Your names were all called out as supporters for this bill when it was heard last Monday. Don't give up now.

The bill has been slightly amended due to some concerns expressed by the committee, BUT, the important part is still there. Class C Felony for the intentional harming or taking of HMS.

You can view the hearing notice here and please send your testimony, again, in support of getting this law passed.

Testimony can be sent in email form to:
OR transmit from the web page at
Faxed testimony to 586-8494 for Oahu, Outer islands 1-800-535-3859
Faxes are better, but whatever works for you.

Please use cut and paste if your email reader wraps or breaks the above URLs.


March 13. 2010

Rep. Jon Riki Karamatsu, Chair
Rep. Ken Ito, Chair

RE: Support for SB2441, SD2

Aloha Judiciary Committee

As a volunteer and supporter for the Hawaiian Monk Seal Response Team of Oahu I am writing to you on behalf of the Hawaiian Monk Seal. We are a 501c3 established response team. We are trained and respond in conjunction with NOAA, DAR, and DLNR. Our volunteers spend many hours of the day protecting and responding to haul outs and injuries to the Hawaiian Monk Seals here on the Main Hawaiian Islands.

Because of the recent shootings and killings of our most beloved mammals, it is imperative to saving the species that the SB2441 Bill is passed. Please do not let another year go by without stronger laws in force to deter the intentional harming of the world’s most endangered marine mammal.

Losing just one animal adds to the decline and eventual extinction of this most important part of our history here in these beautiful Islands. The HMS is important to reef health and perhaps our future for fishing, life, and keeping the beauty of our islands safe. They offer so much to the environment and perhaps, like the Humpback Whales, can offer an added incentive to tourism and show the world how much Hawaii values and protects it’s special environment and endangered species.

The seals are in such a precipitous decline that delays in their protection is crucial to saving the species. The Main Hawaiian Islands are the only hope for these special Hawaiians and we ask that you support and pass this most important bill.

Mahalo nui loa,

1 comment:

Keith Kenyon said...

This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2050.

Copied/pasted straight from the original bill. Are they kidding?