Monday, December 14, 2020

12/14/2020 Monday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand.

Team Billand arrived at the bay early to check on RN44. They were a little concerned after seeing some line on his snout yesterday. Good news is they did see him and there was no line. He was right along side of Lei Ola RH48 for most of the day. He was acting just fine no abnormal behavior.

Nalu R3CX was very busy pigging out, there was a huge school of fish seen off the jetty. It was a little further out, but the seals found it and took advantage.

Lei Ola RH48 was in the mix busy eating, and of course RN44 by her side.

RL20 Kalua was kind of on his own, more towards the jetty. He was foraging and being fast and

furious. He pretty much would dive down as soon as he popped up. He is looking a little more tan in the water with a minty green snout.

Team Billand actually observed the school of fish coming in and at the end of the day they saw the school leave for open waters. Of course none of the seals hauled out or even came in close.

Team Billand left the bay and headed out for other locations. There was one critter they came across they thought was Kaale but they not sure based on the tag.... ( I am guessing N30) but this critter was the same seal they say yesterday.  SO if anyone has an opinion please weigh in. Next they found RN14 Kalani was up on shore with the mystery critter and R407 Kawika. 

 R407 Kawika was easy to ID because of his natural bleach spot on his rear and his cookie scar.  Team Billand made a makeshift zone around the three seals. 

At the same beach but away from the boys was Aukai RL12. She is looking huge, either she is eating an enormous amount or she is hapai. Only time will tell.

R3CX Nalu
Lei Ola 
N30? N3? what do you think
R407 Kawika
RN14 Kalani
RL12 Aukai

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