Friday, April 20, 2018

4/20/2018 Monk Seal Dailies:

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Melody and Marilyn.  OH and a special announcement from Kauai; RK12/13 brought Kauai's first pup of 2018.  So from what I know, there was one born/weaned on Big Island, one born/weaned Lanai, two births Oahu, one on Kauai and at least one maybe two on Molokai. We're off to a good start !!! Pups and weaners everywhere !

7 am Team Billand was out on their rounds covering the usual spots. When they reached the Electric Beach they began watching a small critter foraging in the outfall area with folks fishing for "haleu" and "opelu". They were able to identify RH32 Ka'ale. No one bothered the seal and he was doing his 2 to 4 minute dives. Ka'ale was swimming around like he was in his own giant pool. On two occasion they actually saw him with something in his mouth. (One might have been a stick fish) The fishermen said he once saw the seal with a large trumpet fish. 
Team Billand stayed for over an hour, watching mother nature at it's best. Little Ka'ale being smooth and sleek with his dives.  In their opinion he didn't seem to eat the haleu or opelu but it was hard to see. The fishermen even agreed he seem to be diving deep and going after something else.  Maybe, lobster, crabs or taco.  They waited for him to haul out but he never did so they left the area.

At another beach on the Leeward side they spotted a seal coming in looking around checking out the area if it was safe to haul up. He went around to the other inlet and cautiously hauled  out. There was a little moaning and sighs a dip into the pool and then to sleep. They were able to ID RN14 Kalani. On a recheck he was still resting alone.

Team Billand's next find at Leeward beach was RW02 PvKauai, they found him on the lower rocks sleeping peacefully.As it turns out Melody came across PvKauai RW02 as well.  He was tucked away pretty good so she had to wait about 30 minutes before she could get an ID. It was a hot out there today, and RW02 decided to make his way down to the shallow tide pools and slept on his back. Melody also include a short video clip of him blowing bubbles. Thank you Melody.

Last stop Westside Beach where they found a very fat RL42 resting on a small patch of sand, by
herself.  She is looking plump (fat) and healthy (happy).  No signs of stress or any new markers.

Marilyn decided to check out the blow hole today after work since Kolohe was seen yesterday.  Sure enough there was a critter there. Unfortunately the position did not expose his bleach mark. Although the chances are very high it's RW22 Kolohe, it was reported as an UM.

RH32 Ka'ale

Kalani RN14
 RW02 PvKauai 
RL 42
UM  Kolohe is that you?

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