Lesley started her morning checking out Birth Beach and found a very fit newly molted Squinty keeping BG company, apparently they spent the night together. BG (R303) looks like she might be getting ready for her molt. Wonder if Squinty is keeping her company or if he's in cruise mode.

They found RIP RR70 in Maili resting on the rocks alone. They didn't have a chance to do another check on him. Their next stop was at Campbells watching a U/U doing 5 minute dives. They spent an hour watching trying to get an ID, animal has white muzzle and clean coat.
At 2:00 they returned to sit with Pohaku. They counted over 100 guests they spoke to and gave them the monk seal 101 education. At 5:40 pm Pohaku left the site, who knows where she'll go or if she'll return.
Somewhere at sometime Team T&D came across a chubby little weaner. Turns out to be Kaimana RJ58 doing weaner things.
Squinty and BG
Two of them together late morning
BG R303 - she's a beauty
Squinty looks tiny compared to her
her exit in the afternoon
UU at Campbells
Right Spot
Kaimana blowing bubbles
found something... is it food? probably not
Look at that muzzle so clean no.... scratches, cuts, or hooks.
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