Today's Dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Lesley, Gayle and Team Billand. Not too many seals but a lot of the same characters.
Marilyn found Right Spot (R016) resting at Kaupo Beach at 7:42 this morning. She was ID'd by her natural bleach mark on right side. Marilyn reported to the hotline. She was still there at 15:00 when Marilyn left Makai Pier. Checks to Blow Hole, Sandy Beach, Lanai Lookout, Spitting Cave, China Walls and Kokee between 8 am, and 9:30 am was a bust. There were reports of Buster V08 being at Sandy's on Saturday afternoon and into the evening.
Marilyn spent two hours on Makai Pier watching three seals on Rabbit Island. Two were close together at the Seal Rock Inlet. One is a recently molted adult/subadult male with 2 tags. Behind that seal was an unknown with a brownish coat with lots of green. The second seal was much smaller but Marilyn never got the belly shot. A couple hours late a newly arrived juvenile (weaner) on the rocks left of the left side sand beach. Unable to get a good picture it's size and behavior led her to believe it was Aka RJ06.
Team Billand was up and at 'em at day break looking for Pohaku at the beach park and in Nanakuli, she was in neither spot. The one place they skipped was Depots.... a little later they decided to check it out and THERE she was R028 Pohaku just below the lifeguards shack. By the looks of the wallows and the depth of the trail seems as though she was there for a bit. Lifeguards told them someone from NOAA was by to post the signs.

Lesley's beach guest were still there this morning and had spent another night together. R303 BG might be beginning her molt, and since R330 Squinty already molted there, well let's just say Lesley reported a very distinct aroma.
Lastly but not least Gayle also checked the east side and found Right Spot at Kaupo Beach and sent a shot of 3 critters on Rabbit Island from this afternoon. Looks like the three seals Marilyn spied earlier met up with each other.
Right Spot (R016)
Pohaku at Depots
BG and Squinty
Right Spot
3 Rabbit Island Critters having a meeting
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