Team Billand found Pohaku RO28 at 6:00 am same spot as yesterday. She spent time laying in a small pool of water cooling off, as the waves got bigger she moved further up. Team Billand did some outreach, some were cooperative, some were not. They spent from 6am - 3pm watching over her.
On Team Billand return to Nanakuli they met up with a friend Debbie, who spotted a head bobbing up and down off the shore checking out the area. Team Billand ID him as Benny RE74, he kept going towards Maili.
Posse pal Vicki spent some time with weaner kid PO4 today. She also came across Holokai RG40. So good to see this little fella. Maybe he'll hang out with little PO4 now that he's weaned. Hope PO4 gets some bling soon.
Ka'ena N9 Bleach
Unknown- no tag seen
Benny RE74
Little Greenie on Rabbit Island
Holokai RG40/41
Alittle blurry ... PO4
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