Today's Dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, posse pal Gayle and Mrs. Whisperer. Thank you for braving the heat today. ( I know today was a difficult day).
Team Billand got a call at 4:15am from HPD about a seal in Nanakuli across from the apartments. HPD had tried the hotline first. Team Billand was on site at 4:40am in the dark to find RO28 Pohaku. Team Billand called the hotline and a HMAR volunteer arrived later in the morning. Team Billand checked on Pohaku throughout the day, last check was at 2:30 pm.
Barbara made a good observation of how much trash is on our beaches and how awful it is these animals are forced to live in these conditions. I do think our recent run of "King Tides" has washed up more debris, but nonetheless still sad there is so much crap out there from us humans. We have to do a better job at taking care of each other, our animals and this planet! (okay stepping down from my soapbox).
At 11:00am Team Billand found Kekoa Alii RK72 on the rocks at Maili. He left at 11:39 during a high tides and was seen foraging off shore.
Posse Pal Gayle found Right Spot R016 at the Keike pond this morning but about 11:45am she decided to move and ended up between Kaupo and Makapuu beach. Gayle left at 19:00. Gayle also spotted two seals on Rabbit Island.
Late email from Marilyn reporting she spent some time on Makai Pier today and spotted three critters on Rabbit Island. Although we have no IDs Mrs. Whisperer reported two juvenile males and one juvenile female.
Geesh Pohaku could you get a little closer to the road?
I love this photo, something about her looking out to the ocean
Look at all this crap!
Gayle's Rabbit Island 2 critters
Right Spot in the keiki pool
and then her new location between Kaupo and Makapuu
Mrs. Whisperer's shots from Makai Pier
juvenile female
juvenile male #1
juvenile male #2 green little buggah
1 comment:
Awesome photos of Pohaku! Thank you Team Billands for all you do!
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