Today's Dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Lesley, Gayle, Vicki and Mrs. Whisperer. Lots of beach covered today by our Posse. Both Marilyn and Gayle have photos of NOAA out on Rabbit Island bleaching a couple of critters ( I'll post that in part 2).
Team Billand found RIP RR70 at Makua Cliffs alone snoozing on the rocks. There were a few people fishing in the area and a photo session with some wahine baring it all (sorry no photos).
Team Billand's next find was a two for one, first they saw Kekoa RK72 sleeping alone on the lower rocks. Then they spotted another seal approaching from the right, it was easy to see it was Lei Ola. She was quietly hauling out when Kekoa awoke and immediately charged over to her.
She wasn't very interested in any kind of play, he persist and she slaps up side the head. Lei Ola heads for higher ground and Kekoa is right behind her. She then dives into the water and heads for the next rock and he's still behind her. She slaps, he barks, she gives him a round house slap in the face. She hauls up to the right of the rocks, he follows, and that is where they spent the rest of the day. On their last check both seals still on the rocks side by side.
As a side note, Lei Ola appeared to have a small abscess on her jawline. As the day went on Barbara noted it had gone away. (I don't want to get into what it could be as I am sure the photos Barbara provided NOAA will let them determine what if anything should be done.)
Finally after 5 days of playing tag, Lesley got to catch one of the seals hauled out. Very close to the front of her home R303 BG in her beautiful new coat was there. She was Id'd by the scar line behind her LFF, big scar under muzzle on right side and other little scar. Chances are good she had company based on the separate trails all the way up and down from Naupaka.
Vicki was out at Turtle Bay and found RJ16 (po4) playing with a playmate in the water. Vicki was unable to get a postive ID on the playmate, but there is a really good chance it's Holokai his older brother.
Gayle along with Rabbit Island photos found miss Right Spot at Kaupo Beach. I guess this is her new territory. It always makes me curious why they decide to up and change their patterns. Right Spot was known to be in a certain spot at Turtle Bay for so long that we referred to it as Right Spot's spot, and know she's taking up residence on the east side. Did Turtle Bay get too crowded with Honey Girl's clan? ( none of this really matters, I just wonder... why did it change? Is it random?)
(* see part 2 for Rabbit Island Critter details)
Kekoa (RK72)
Kekoa and Lei Ola
Smack- take that
Lei Ola and Kekoa
Lei Ola RH48
Lei Ola & Kekoa
and at the end of the day they are settled in together
RJ16 playing with a stick
RJ16 & playmate
BG R303
Right Spot RO16
I wonder if RIGHT SPOT moved from Turtle Bay area AFTER BEING BITTEN BY THAT SHARK?
Maybe THAT triggered her mind, DONT GO THERE???? Just a THOUGHT.
Miss Donna, just want to REMIND you, how APPRECIATIVE we are of YOU!!
I think DB would be very happy, you kept up the blog, for him, for all of US. You are doing a fantastic job....REALLY. I can appreciate your staying up so late to get the job done with so many pics, all our stories....some how, YOU DO IT, you doing it WELL.
I think DB has given all of us instinct and abilitiy, TO KEEP TRYING...cause, its all about our Precious................Hawaiian Monk Seals. And we have all become a tad closure to each other, knowing DB is out there, or up there, keeping his EAGLE EYES on all of us, SMILING OF COURSE...with great PRIDE.
And thanks to NOAA for going to R.I yesterday to bleach and ID the seals, so our beloved MISS MARYLIN, and our GAYLE...can make that ID from so far away.
THIS IS JUST MAGIC........totally REMARKABLE, dont ya think?
I agree Barbara! Thank you Donna! So much valuable information in the blog. xo
Aww thank you for the kinds words. I am determined to keep DB's spirit with us. Although I am still working on finding my own voice, I will use whenever possible the DBisms we all know and love.
Quite honestly if it wasn't for all of you who read and contribute to "the blog" well I would be kinda lonely. So thank you all for the love and support, back at you!
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