First on my agenda was a hike out to see R5AY & "Meli" D29 (already!!!), at the site I met Genevieve (volunteer on shift) and Ken Tingman. We had our raincoats, ponchos, umbrellas and were trying to stay dry as much as possible.
R5AY & "Meli" were having a water session, little one kept trying to come back ashore and mom ignored her. It was fun to watch them, alas I had to go back to the hotel for the beginning of the event.
As I was making it past the golf course, I received a call reporting a seal in front of the golf course at TBR - I looked up the beach and it galumphing up the beach. The couple that called it in, were still around as I arrived to ID: RK82 "La'akea". We had met 2 days ago when they visited the pup site, and were pleased to call a seal in on their last couple of hours on the island.
At the parking lot I met Patty Miller who informed me of some changes at the event because of the rain. Unfortunately some of the educational booths opted not to set up or called cancelling, but the ones who braved the first rain made it thru the day between lighter showers. Na Kama Kai Youth Clinic was happening and the kids were having a blast. The keiki hula presentation was transferred to the lobby to the delight and surprise of the visitors. The girls put on a fantastic performance.
Due to the bad weather we canceled the guided nature walks, but Tyler (Dotty Kelly's grandson) tagged along with me to go see the 3 seals. We made it back to the hotel nice and dry and ready for lunch ;)
Kimo Lyman called this evening to say that there was a seal hauled out down the beach from his house in front of Camp Erdman - ID was not possible because it was getting dark, he also mentioned that a friend that lives in front of Alligator Rock has had a seal in front of his house for several days - The seal has red tags and a big scar on it's back (RI37 "Bessie" ??). I may receive photos later on today or tomorrow.
Aloha, Lesley
Meli enjoying a swim in the rain
hanging out with Mom Honey Girl
sister La'akea hanging out just down the way
Lesley's Buddy for the day Tyler!
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