Once again it was a very dreary day out there, raining most of the day. At 0947 I found Kolohe (RW22) snoozin’ in the Morning Glory, fronting 1BS. I also found Kainoa (RN04) just to the right of the Morning Glory at 1BS, at Rabbit Island. At 1135 he would galumph over to join Kolohe.
As I panned right at 0948 I found what would prove to be Aukai (RL12) tucked against a driftwood at Rocky Right Beach.
On a pan at 1032 I found a 100% molted Buster (RV08) on the water front rocks of Rocky Right Beach.
At 0655 Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) at Tower#1, White Plains.
At 0903 he would be joined by M&M (R020).
At 1357 the Billands reported RIP (RR70), at Kalaeloa Campgrounds. He was gone at 1530. Witnesses said he was harassed by 4 dogs belonging to derelicts that are "permanent residents" there. These dogs are a reoccurring problem. All agencies pass the buck in terms of doing something about the loose dogs (and the derelicts), so the seals have a rough time of it there.
The cats and I are on our own this week, while Marilyn is visiting Mom in California. As any good Seal Lady would do, she spent today in the company of Harbor Seals and Sea Lions in La Jolla, at Children’s Beach.
Its' a party of harbor seals (california)
baby harbor seal and momma...
california sea lions... they like being on top of one another
Kermit and MM
pack of dogs...
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