At 0745 I found Kolohe (RW22) snoozin’ at his favorite Morning Glory spot, fronting the 1BS, on Rabbit Island.
When I got back for my 2nd look at 1007 I found Kainoa (RN04) on the beach, 20 ft right of 1BS. At 1030 Kolohe began moving down, and Kainoa saw him and began galumphing up to join him. The met in the middle, and were still there when I departed to continue my circuit. When I got back at 1300 I found Kolohe & Kainoa now fronting Left Greenery on RI. The had been joined by Buster (RV08). Buster’s molt is 90%. Unfortunately it was dumping rain so I didn’t last long.
Team Billand checked in at 0630 with the report of Benny (RE74) at Tower#1 at White Plains. They reported his departure at 0658.
At 1441 the Billands reported word from some of their posse about an animal at #1945 Nimitz Cottages. Based on looking at the posse’s shots the Billands thought it was Haupu (RB24) ID at 1551.
Both Diane Gabriel and Vera Cober were on R5AY & Meli duty today, and provide their usual excellent shots, despite the soggy conditions.
Kolohe and Kainoa
Posse Peeps! Mike Gloria and Elaine
5AY and Meli
holding on to momma
Coming up
peek a boo
i see you
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