At 0730 I found what would prove to be Buster (RV08) doing 5 minute dives at Blowhole.
At 0909 a "swimming head" came through Blowhole in obvious travel mode. I got only one quick look at a sub adult sized, tan coated UU as it swam through west to east. I did not see the animal again.
At 0721 Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) at Kermit’s Reef.
At 0800 they reported the arrival of Haupu (RB24) fronting the Snack Shack at White Plains.
The reported M&M (R012) arriving at 0944 to join Haupu at WP.
They found Ewa Girl (RS00) at Wind Sock at 1040, and reported Kermit’s arrival to join her at 1139.
Cianna called at 1403 with the report of an U/U in Maili. The Billands confirmed the Pohaku (RO28) ID at Guard Rails Beach, Maili at 1506.
Afternoon email from Kimo Smith brought shots of Luana (RN58) at the birth beach, Mokuleia
Buster with a man and his dog
Buster should have given the guy a little nip as he was passing by
Luana at Mokuleia
Ewa Girl and Kermit
wonder what the footage would be like meeting up with Ewa Girl... too bad the camera has been removed
Ewa Girl
Kermit with his transmitter
Haupu and MM
Pohaku and her booboo
Why arent the people whose dogs chase our seals FINED? Is there not a law with dogs not on a leash?
Where is the Justice for our Monk Seals. The dogs are just running loose all the time on all beaches. Isnt time for the seals to get some protection?
I am sorry for what happened DB...I know just how you feel, we experience the same crap on our side. It s not fun to witness a seal being run off like that, and it hurts more as NOTHING GETS DONE TO THE DOG OWNERS. NOTHING!!
You warned the guy, he didnt care, sick. We need to do something here, dont ya think?
Nah, its going to happen...Again and AGAIN.
So much for a protected endangered specie huh? BAH....and what if Buster chose to bite back, then what...get that vicious seal out of here!!!
I would like to see just once or maybe more for a monk seal to rise up and take care of the person who is bothering them. I wouldn't see how that it could be blamed on the monk seal, then maybe the word would get out or how about a picture posted by the SPZ of a monk seal taking care of business like the picture of the guy reaching out to the monk seal and almost getting bit. I don't remember which monk seal that was.
@madhatter.... I know what you mean... if the seals were a little more uppity when people approached... people would think twice and word would get around.... however our seals are much better at the idea of co-existing than most humans.
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