At 0800 I found Kainoa (RN04) at the right edge of the Morning Glory, at 1BS on Rabbit Island. When I got back in the afternoon he had moved down to cool off near the water line .
At 1157 as I was trudging down to check the grotto at the Kokee Flats, I noticed a small face looking at me from just off the flats in shallow water. It was Kea (RN46). I’d last seen the little dude on 1-25-14. He was foraging and finding something on every dive. He would begin moving further out into the bay. My last sighting was at 1214. When I spoke with Gayle about me find she told me that she had seen a small animal for just a second at Spitting Cave, before this encounter. Chances are good that it was the kid.
At 0841 the Billands advised of an animal at Maili. The said Rachel was going. At 1000 it would prove to be Pohaku (RO28), at Guard Rails Beach.
Rachel also advised of the arrival of another animal at 1000 . The Billands would confirm
the Haupu (RB24) ID at Nanakai Beach.
Dana also reported an U/U at Lagoon #4 At KoOlina at 1000. She advised that BJ was going. At 1055 the Billands confirmed the Haupu (RB24) ID.
At 1428 the Billands advised at Eileen had called reporting Ewa Girl (RS00) at the Reef Runway.
Ocean Safety called at 1638 with word on the arrival of an U/U to Makaha Beach. The Billands advised that Debbie was responding. She confirmed the Benny (RE74) ID at 1658.
Diane Gabriel sent R5AY&Pup shots from her shift today at Turtle Bay.
In a follow up to Yesterday’s News, DOCARE picked up some of the KCG dogs today.
Buster at Blow hole
Kea over Kokee Flats
Meli and 5AY
A very active little bugger
Stray dogs picked up by DOCARE and brought to the shelter
MM and Rip
curious seal
MM doing the backstroke
Handsome Rip
1 comment:
Thanks Rachel for finding Pohaku and Haupu. Good finds and we appreciate all those hours you spent out there.
Thanks Debbie for making the check on animal at Makaha..appreciate it so late in the day.
The Animal at Lagoon 4 was .... Kermit. Thanks BJ and whoever else was there for him. NO WONDER WE COULDNT FIND THE FAT BOY IN THE SWQ.
And thanks to Officer Humphries for his removing the two dogs at Kalaeloa. They ran off three seals, Haupu, Rip and Makaiwi.
Shame on the irresponsible owners, for not taking care of those dogs. They didnt know, they were doing wrong...chasing seals off the beach. Sorry dogs...hope they find new homes with caring folks. Dogs need the love, they need attention and correction, THEY DIDNT GET THAT.
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