Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tomorrow's Responders

Aloha Good People

I received a call today about a stranded dolphin on Kailua Beach.... since this type of call has come to me twice in the last five years I knew this wasn't going to be a fun response. I did what I could to get to the site and hoped for the best in nailing down the location.

As difficult it is to have a stranded marine mammal on the beach (in this case already deceased) today's call was amazing for a very simple reason. The people!  To Miss Bonnie who was so generous and allowed us to have access to her property and rewarded the "Tomorrow Responders" with juice and cookies... to the amazing girls who took it upon themselves to make sure this matter was taken care of.

Today I had the pleasure of meeting six beautiful young ladies who impressed me to no end. SO to Lilly S, Mia B, Emma S, Matty M, Marisa B and Jacquie S.... I thank you, and in behalf of the marine mammal volunteers and responders we appreciate you.

They literally spent over a half hour on their smart phones looking up who to call.... they then waited almost an hour for someone to arrive.... they greeted Tony Querbin and showed him exactly where to go..... The girls stayed all day until Dr, Kristi and team from HPU arrived to take over and safely remove the dolphin.  

I do think in the future out of the six we will have a couple of marine biologist, a vet.... and a couple of bakers :-)  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is such a nice story. Thank you for sharing the good work of the young ladies. I love reading about the monk seals but sometimes I wonder about the future. The care these young women demonstrated is very reassuring.