Thursday, March 14, 2013

3-14-2013 Team Billand FULL Day on the West Side

R912 in a very dangerous predicament .... scary!
 I am sure Barb will fill us in on the details so check the comment section.
 Looks like this dude did the right thing....
 hmmm did she steal a fish?
 okay R912 stay safe
 Benny @ Maili
Benny open WIDE!
 Kermit @ Kermit's Reef
 MM @ White Plains
 Pohaku @ Paradise Cove
 Ewa Girl ! Big Momma
 She's looking great... wonder where she will pup.
 R018 boo boo
 RB24 @ Maili

1 comment:

barbara said...

We were at this beach at Maipalaoa, saw a seal, FORAGING with two fishermen, poles in water. I ran over to the other side as the seal seemed interested in the two men. As I got to the other side of the beach, I spotted a net in the water, and 912 was approaching THE LAY NET. I YELLED AT THE MAN, GET THAT %#@!#@ NET OUT OF THE WATER NOW!!!!!!!!!!! The guy scrambled to get his pole first, then ran to the net, his partner watching...I YELLED AGAIN HEART POUNDING SEEING THE SEAL AT THE NET!!!! The other guy started slowly pulling the net, the seal tried to take a fish, then she started to roll, and I was sickened with FEAR. Man got the net out...I saw the seal moved away, but still looking like she wanted to go at the net again. She began foraging eating all kinds of fish and other things I couldnt make out. The two men kept watching, stood there near me. Rob was across the other end with binocs. Finally the guys left site and sat on the bench, seal heading to the same spot. I ran over to the other end near Rob to see what the seal was going for???

The seal went UNDER THE BRIDGE. I followed. She was looking under the bridge, saw me. Came OVER TO ME, LOOKING RIGHT AT ME AS IF TO ASK ME FOR FISH. Then she just kept foraging until about 8am. We found her at 6:45am...

Rob and I stood on shore, so relieved the seal was ok, hauling up on the sand. She is huge, pregnant again???? I called DNLR...still shaken at what we witnessed!!! I was trembling!!! I asked the officer, is it ILLEGAL to fish in a canal mouth???? He said..NO MAM...I hung up!! PISSED!!! OFFICER Called me back, asked me if the guys net was marked and registered...WHAT??? I dont know, I am scared, and was watching the seal!!!! But now that Rob and I think about it, that net was not marked, had make shift floaters, wasnt MARKED!!! Oh well, tuff shit, the guys LEFT. Got away!!! NO ONE RESPONDED!!!

Got in touch with Debbie, my angel volunteer from Makaha and she would come to watch out for 912. And I also called the other angels, Venna and Freddie Ferriera who would also watch out for 912.

In the end, the netter came back with his nets...Deb, Venna and Freddie were still out there at 6:30pm...we stopped to check out the situation. But all was better. Just the homeless were all arriving for the night.

I can not explain how horrible a sight it was to see A SEAL AT THE LAY NET!!! I HATE LAY NETS AS THEY SLAUGHTER EVERYTHING!!!! EVERYTHING.

In between this horrible experience, we had other seals to take care of..Pohaku the KoOlina STAR was found at 8:40 per a call from a friend. The friend put out signs till we got there. We made the perimeter big and used KEEP OUT signs as there were going to be 800 guests and some kind of film crew coming. Linda worked hard trying to get the Japanese Visitors BACK..we had another call, Linda was left alone..poor thing. Thanks to all the others who helped with Pohaku...

Benny would be passed out at Maili Beach Park and ok.

Then on to White Plains to find the lovely M and M snoozing on shore at 1944.

Oh and EWA GIRL who is so large, with ANOTHER PUP, was at Windsock. She remained all day till 5:50pm. The caller was there fishing, with her daughter and was so kind to stay with EWA GIRL to keep her safe. God bless the fisher ladies, THANKS!!!

Then Kermit was at Nimitz Cove, snoozing in peace all alone on the reef...he looked so fluffy and FAT all dried up.

Back to Leeward side with B24, the Kauai female, just across from R912. I have yet to spend some quality time with this seal...and see her underbelly.

R018 was at Maili Pt, alert, but ok, trying to get in the small water hole to cool off. He got so many cookie cutters, like 6 under side and YET, HE HAD ONE MORE TO ADD ON, right side, near the ankle about 50 cent size. NO lump on left neck, the hook was gone from hind flipper. He is actually handsome fellow. His cookie on face, healed...thank god.