Sunday, September 30, 2012


Lesley, Mrs. Whisperer make their way out to Ka'ena Point

(to be updated at a later date.... seems there are some technical difficulties.... not sure what happened.

9-29-2012 North Shore Updates

Karen Turner was up at Turtle Bay with R5AY and porky pup.
 Momma's getting bigger and the kid looks like a bloated tick
 close up of a bloated seal tick ;)
 Zeeny was with RL42 on Friday the 28th
RL42 enjoying some tako 
 holy moly someone painted on me
 see how good my number looks

9-29-2012 DB's Dailies:

At 0545 I found that Irma (R010) was once again at the far right end of Makapuu Beach. I cordoned her off and she remained until 1127.

At 0821 I found Kolohe (RW22) in the Morning Glory, 40 ft left of 1BS on Rabbit Island. He would move down mid morning , allowing the ID, and then moved back up with the rising tide.
Dana called with a Hotline report of an animal just hauling out at Sandy Beach, at 0942. When I arrived at 0953 I found Buster (RV08). He has been hauling out the last 3 days to SB, on his Irma Quest, but usually leave immediately. Today he was an hour late, and he decided to spend the day. The tour buses had a great day ! He has remained all day. I picked up the stuff at dark. Buster remains.

Marilyn and Lesley did a check of the Mokuleia site, as well as a Ka'ena Point trek. On their first look at the Mokuleia site they found R912 at the pup site, but no weaner. They checked all the new locations, as well as looking at the coastline on the KP trek, but did not see the weaner. When they got back to the site at 1408 they found both RL42 and R912, widely separated at the pup site.

At the end of the world, at 1045, Marilyn and Lesley found RIP (RR70), Noa (R6FI), and Ka'ena (RO40).

Ocean Safety called at 1621 with the report of an U/U just hauling out at Sunset Beach. Tony responded and confirmed the Right Spot (R016) ID at 1714.

Zeeny was at Mokuleia yesterday and sent grrrreat RFL42 shots.

 Irma @ Makapuu another classic shot with Rabbit Island in the back ground 
 Buster's tail
 Buster looking handsome
 Diga and I decided this morning that Buster is a good guy looking after the young'ens
 MM laying ontop of a sign
 she's learning how to read
 and imitate a surf board

Saturday, September 29, 2012

9-28-2012 Diga (Diane) R5AY and Pup Update

Great series of shots.... Mom clearly wants the kid in the water with her... she sets off first
 kid is snoozing
 Mom calling
 and calling a little closer
 okay... I'm coming
 Diving in to catch up with mom
 Where ever we go, what ever we do
 we're gonna go through it together

9-28-2012 DB Dailies: Kolohe&Nani@RI, Irma@MB, Buster@SB&LL, M&M,Benny@WP, RL42&R912@ Mokuleia,Rocky@SanSouci

At 0545 I found Irma (R010) waiting for me at Makapuu Beach. She had obviously overnighted. I redid the cordon, and continued the adventure. On my 1400 Irma was gone.

At 0643 I found Kolohe (RW22) up in the Morning Glory, 40 ft left of 1BS on Rabbit Island. He would move down at 1020,allowing the ID. He remained all day.

On a pan at 0947 I suddenly became aware of a portion of small belly sticking out from behind a rock at Left Middle Cliff, RI. It had no doubt been there all along, but I failed to see it until the lighting got just right. At 1108 it would proved to Nani (RK60). She would move down for a quick cool off and then moved back up. She remained the rest of the day.

On a drive through recheck of Sandy Beach at 0846 I found Buster (RV08) just hauling out to the east end of the beach. I hurriedly got a parking spot and returned with the equipment but alas he had departed. He did the same thing yesterday. He too is on his own Irma Quest, and finding nobody, he departs. Today however he had a little extra incentive in the form of a Chinese tour bus that descend on him before I could get to the spot.
Gayle called at 1150 to advise that Buster had done a quick Lanai Lookout, Kaiwi check, and once again he continued on when he found no Kaiwi. He returned again 5 minutes later, with the same result.

Zeeny called at 0659 with the report of R912 well down from the Mokuleia site, toward Camp Erdman. She would call again at 0730 reporting RL42 at the pupping site. Tracy called at 1225 to advise that she had given RL42 her "N20" bleach. Tracy also reported that the she found the weaner at a small cove next to the KP parking lot. She is broadening her horizons.

Team Billand called at 0702 advising that volunteer Ross had found M&M (R020)near #1708, White Plains. When the Billands checked later, M&M was gone. They checked in again at 1250 to advise that M&M was back, and that Benny (RE74) was now on the Ewa Beach side of the White Plains, east end perimeter fence.

Dera called at 1522 with the report of an animal at San Souci . She got the Rocky (RH58) ID at 1545.

 Irma and the Island 
 RL42 got her first bleaching N20
 Another day in paradise... beautiful weather, blue water and a monk seal on the beach.
 Rocky !!!
 Buster checking out Lanai Lookout
 Benny at White Plains
Benny resting before he goes off and stirs up trouble 
 M+M at white plains
 MM's fan club
 La'akea with raccoon eyes
 It isn't easy being green
 R5AY and pushy pup - mom putting the little bugger in place
 Because I'm the parent that's why
 But Mommmmmm
 love you momma