Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kaiwi Alert - A message from Dera

Today NOAA staff went out to assess Kaiwi and removed the external hook on her neck. Initial examination of her mouth led the team to believe that there may be a hook in the back of her tongue as well. A more thorough examination could not be done without proper sedation. As of now we would like to continue to monitor and assess the condition of her injuries and any change in behavior. The possible hook and swollen eye are of concern and we would like to get a veterinarian out to take a good look at her. Today her behavior and mobility seemed normal. For now volunteers can help DB to keep a look out for her and report her whereabouts to DB immediately. Photos and videos of seals of concern (even in the water) are always valuable. She may be a bit more skittish since she was captured so please be mindful of the distance in which you approach her. We want her to be comfortable hauling out as this gives us more opportunities to capture her if needed. NOAA staff and veterinarians are on call to respond, but as always the best course of action will be determined based on a number of different variables.
Thank you for your support!

Dera Look
Assistant Regional Marine Mammal Response Coordinator
NOAA Fisheries
Pacific Islands Regional Office
1601 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1110
Phone: 808-944-2285
Fax: 808-973-2941

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