At 0950 I found Kolohe (RW22) partially visible behind the water front rocks of Rocky Right Beach on Rabbit Island. He remained all day.
I relocated to the Makapuu Overview at 1254, and from that point of view I found that Kaiwi (RK96) was with Kolohe at RRB. She had been completely invisible from the pier.
Kimo Smith checked in from Ka'ena Point at 0737. He reported RK36, Ka'ena (RO40), R912, Temp 412 & RL42 at the end of the world. Stacey Stella would also report the same cast later in the day.
At 0811 Team Billand reported 2AW at Tracks.
At 0849 they called with the White Plains cast for today. Makaiwi (R4DF) was at the fence line, Kermit (R012)and M&M (R020) were fronting #1707, and Benny (RE74) was at #1708.
The Digas were out and about on the North Shore and upper east side, and reported La'akea (RK82) at the elbow, Turtle Bay, and RI37 at Clissold's Beach, Laie.
Buster Boy!
La'akea @ Turtle Bay
Ri37 @ Laie
White Plains Gang Benny
Benny Boy
MM and Kermit
RK36, Ka'ena and RL42
Such a sweet picture... thank you Kimo
Temp 412