Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Volunteers Rock on Oahu (Memorial Day Weekend)

This note may or may not get posted on the blog, but I wanted you all to know how awesome and fantastic you are for all your help and support over the Holiday weekend. Of course, none of this help would have been as successful without Team Billand out there doing recon and DB holding our hands and answering our "who is it?" questions throughout the whole time.

The volunteers on Oahu are special. They come to the rescue when asked and always with a great attitude and smile. Thanks go out to a very special group. The Aquarium Detail of May 29th. Karen Rother, Jessica Watkins, Heidi Weber, Lesley McPhearson, Tony Querubin and Stacy Stella all pitched in at the last minute to make accommodations ready and in standby mode, just in case we get a visitor. If I left anyone out, then I apologize.

White Plains Detail was in full swing with reports from the front team, also known as Team Billand. FOUR seals showed up today. 4DF, Rocky (she was suppose to go to Colleen's for the day), Irma, and of course Kermit. Fortunately, all four seals were dispersed throughout the coastline just west of White Plains to past the Nimitz Beach Jetty. 4DF left at 12:00Noon sharp and headed out to open water. She's skinny so I guess needs to start eating earlier in the day.

Saturday was also a New Volunteer Training Day and we have a photo of some of this interested and enthusiastic group. Here they have spied iKermit who then did a flip and a flop and headed further West. No doubt scoping for Irma. She was just up the beach.

They are all very stoked about becoming a HMSRTO Volunteer and were very honored to meet Team Billand and another loyal volunteer, Alan Renniger who will be mentoring two of these folks over the Memorial Day Weekend. They also got to see seals which really sealed the deal......OK. Bad pun. We also have a number of other mentors that will be working throughout the weekend with new folks. Jim Brown, Jan & Willie Williamson, Sharon Kokubun, Diane Gabriel and Alan. Again, hope I didn't leave anyone out.

It was a great day and a great way for people to get their feet wet, literally. A classroom on sand. Thank you to everyone that made today happen and I cannot say enough about all the support calls to report information and completion of projects.

Team Billand will be spear heading the White Plains reporting hot line and volunteers dispatched throughout the next two days are ready to go. You all are awesome.

Dana Jones
Volunteer Coordinator

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