Thursday, July 2, 2009

DB Post Thursday 7/2/2009

Ladies and Gentlemen...RA12 has joined the family !!! More in a second.

At 0608 I found Irma waiting for me at the east end of Sandy Beach. I got her cordoned off, and checked her through the day. She was still there at end of day. I'll recheck her at dusk.

On my first look at Rabbit Island at 0657 I found M&M and Pup at their usual hangout at 3BS.

To my surprise I found Rocky about 50 ft right of M&M. She has not been to Rabbit Island since last year at this time, when she finished her molt there. She was at Rabbit Island all day.

At 0847, Duke hauled out to the far left end of the beach at Rabbit Island.

Thea,Tracy,Dominique,Chad and myself made the Rabbit Island run from 1000-1200. Duke got his RA12/13 tags today. There was a little waiting involved since Duke and Sadie were having a play session at the left end. Duke is a chunky little tub, and strong, but everything went well.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Awe, da cute!! I almost missed seeing the pup, snuggling close to M and M. Wow, Mr. Dunlap is keeping very busy with a weaned pup, now, a new born. Thanks for the pics and keeping us up to date with the seal life on R.I. Your daily watchful eyes are appreciated!! I vote to change the Islands name to .... DB's Island!! Never saw Rabbits out there, did you???? He. He.