Monday, July 27, 2009

DB Post Monday ( cont )

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Being at Kaena Pt is always an adventure for me. But, when you see people taking photos of the seals like two feet away, throwing rocks to get the seal to do an awesome pose, is so disturbing. They had no reguard for the mammal before them. They just wanted action shots of Kaena. I talked to them, it didnt matter, they just continued. I tried again, they moved up higher. Take your pics, dont disturb the poor seal. Let him be. WHat worried me, was , there is a little outlet for the seal to go through to get away. It could be trapped in that little pond for jerks to harras it. Bah!!!! I felt so bad for Kaena, but, he growled, he lundged out to defend himsself. And yet he continued staying in the pond with his eyes wide opened and ready to defend his territory, his little paradise! I dont know what else there is to do with folks who continue to harrass seals wayyyyy out there at Kaena Pt. Who is going to know. Who is going to care? Kaena was our only seal found. So glad Kerby wasnt there for them to harrass, especially since he got that hook in him. Bah!!!!!!! I wish the seal could fling his poop at the people that disturb him, that be cool. He. He.