Friday, October 27, 2023

October 27, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕
Also in yesterday's news department there were two additional emails last evening. One from Team R&B and one from Tammy.

Tammy got lucky on her last day visiting Big Island. She and Dave checked a couple places and was happy when they found one. They found RK26 Manu'iwa, who is looking big and healthy.

I missed an email from Team R&B last evening. They stopped at
Kahe and first found RG28 Lefty alone on the rocks. A few minutes later they heard one of the divers yelling "Look out, behind you by your head. Its behind you!!  Team R&B ran over and saw an adult green seal swimming away from the divers was RG32. He came over and joined RG28.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:02 to 3:06 and there were six seals during that time.
On LPB was Adult Male 1: adult size, about 50% molted, new gray male belly and two red tags.
Near 1BS was Adult Male 2: adult size, about 45% molted, new dark gray male belly and unsure about tags.
About 40 feet of 1BS was an Unknown Juvenile: larger juvenile size, old coat, two red tags. The seal was covered with sand so it was difficult to get a view of its belly.
About 1:17 Marilyn notices a Juvenile Female by Middle Cliff. She may have been there the entire time but Marilyn did not see her. J/F: juvenile size, light female belly and two red tags. 
Near SRI was RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu: smaller adult size, new coat, light gray male belly, two red tags and a scar on lower lip.
As Marilyn was packing up she did a quick scan of the island and found an unknown weaner on the rock flats. The UW went into the water and Marilyn caught a photo of the UW swimming by the UJ. Then the UW hauled out next to the AM2

Team R&B started their day at the bay and treated to finding two seals. A sight to be seen was RH76 Kala was with RM31 Kai.

Next they spotted R604 way out on the rocks at Guard Rails. She was alone and resting. Then they saw a male inland at first. They initially did not see him, and its funny he didn't see R604. They ID'd RG32.

They stopped at tracks and was stoked to see Kaale RH32 arriving on shore. His mouth was wide open  making lots of noise. 
He was greeting Nalu R3CX who may have spent the night. Perhaps some pre-molt behavior.

Next stop at Kahe cove and were surprised they even saw the seal. Resting high up in the rocks was
their sweet Opihi RQ42, You just never know where these seal may be hiding!

At another west side location and their last stop they found a green seal resting to the right of waterfront rocks. There was RG32 resting on the rocks.

RK26 Big Island
Lefty (Thursday)
Thursday RG32
Rabbit Island
RH76 & RM31
RH32 & R3CX

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