Wednesday, October 4, 2023

October 04, 2023 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 2:10 and there were two seals during that time.
On LPB was an Adult Male: adult size, older coat with some green, tan male belly and at least one red tags. There may be a scar on the right rear of the seal so it could be RK24.
Out on the rock flats near SRI was an Unknown Adult: adult size, medium tan belly and at least one red tag. This UA was in the same place as the AF from yesterday, but Marilyn doesn't think they are the same seal. She never got a good look at ventral side, but think most likely a male.

Team R&B started their day by finding RH76 Kala who just hauled into the area. She was choosing her rocky spot. As they were photographing her RM31 Kai arrived.... Surprise!
RM31 Kai bugged Kala for a long time and Kala gave it back to him. Kai finally settled down alone further up the rocks.

While on site with Kala and Kai Team R&B were taking photos of some boobies.  That's when they noticed a very large rock. Well that's no rock it's Lei Ola RH48 napping and looking quite fat.

At another west side location they found Miss R604.  She was alone and way inland resting and looking healthy.

Rabbit Island
RM31 approaches Kala

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