At 1030 Nani (RK60) hauled out to join Kaiwi at mid Middle Cliff. Both Gayle and I did circuits of the quadrant and the RI crew was the cast for today.
Lesley, Diga & Karen Turner called at 1153 with a singing message that “We Found Ua” . Ua Malie has been MIA since January so that was really great news. They found her in the High Rock area. Thanks guys...Ya’ Done Good !!!
At 1230 Team Billand called to advise that Cianna had called about an animal at the Surfside Condos, Makaha. Debbie responded, as did the Billands. They reported the return of Haupu (RB24) from her Kauai vacation. Haupu departed at 1558.
Ocean Safety checked in at 1624 with the animal at 2H, Kaimana Beach call. Dana advised . Awaiting further word.
Kaiwi and Nani
Haupu @ Makaha
She looks beautiful!
Sure Hope Irma & Kermit will be back soon.
Haupu looking gorgeous! Will miss seeing her on Kauai - but know she's in good hands.
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