At 1045 I found Kainoa (RN04) & Aukai (RL12) together at Seal Rock Inlet on Rabbit Island. They remained all day.
At 0637 Team Billand called with the report of Pohaku (RO28) at Nanakuli. She was gone on their 1237 recheck, but hauled out again at 1550, only to depart at 1613, and then return again at 1645. She departed again at 1830.

At 1259 Colleen called to advise that a friend had called her about a seal at Diamond Head. When Colleen got home at 1405 she confirmed that it was Rocky (RH58) just a few doors down from her house. Rocky departed at 1530.
Aukai and Kainoa
T21M at Sandys
poor guy...
wonder whats going on with his wounds... looks like a scrap or some really really dry skin
I hope he'll be okay
Hi Rocky ! visiting Momma Colleen - wonder if she'll stay for a molt
Pohaku at Nanakuli
in the water
out of the water
this girl couldn't make up her mind today
apparently she had something to say
okay now she's going again
when the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie.... that's amore!
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