At 1057 Nani (RK60) would haul out 80 ft left of SRI, and galumph up and into the Morning Glory. Kaiwi would galumph over to join her.
At 0823 Team Billand called to advise of a call about an animal at Lagoon #1 , KoOlina. Diane T., would provide the U’ilani (RN36) ID at 0839. U’ilani departed at 1705. Thanks to Diane T.,& Jean.
At 1211 the Billands advised that Dana had mentioned to them that Rocky (RH58) was once again at Kaimana. I had not gotten the word... again. I called Colleen and she confirmed that Rocky was there again today.
Two piece came in for the Yesterday’s News Department. Kimo Smith sent shots from Ka’ena Point yesterday. He came after Marilyn’s trek, and saw essentially the same cast, Ka’ena, RIP & RW02, but additionally he found BG (R303) in BG’s pool.
The other piece of info came from Michael Wharton who sent Team Billand underwater shots he took yesterday of U’ilani at Paradise Cove.
Kainoa and Duke
Nani and Kaiwi
Haupu at White Plains
U'ilani at Paradise Cove... she's having a staycation
she seems to like this relax mode
Yesterday's News BG at Ka'ena Point
It's always a special treat to see photos of seals under water.... they're so graceful ... we get to see their full figures floating on by.
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