At 0752 Gayle called with the report of an animal at Spitting Cave. When I arrived at 0810 I confirmed the Duke (RA12), thanks to a totally lucky shot of his A13 tag.
At 1034 Kolohe (RW22) arrived to the left end of RI, and began interacting with both Kainoa and Pua. Both wanted nothing to do with him but he pursued both until he tired of it and all settled down to a day of snoozin’ .
Team Billand checked in at 1011 from the Reef Runway with the report of Kekoa (RK72) & Buster (RV08) at the birth beach, RR.
Ocean Safety called at 1558 with the report of an animal at Kaimana Beach. Email from Colleen confirmed the Rocky (RH58) ID.
Kainoa, Pua and Kolohe
Duke at Spitting Cave
kaiwi at china walls
Buster and Kekoa
Buster is the ultimate big brother!!!
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