Also at 0711 I found an animal in Seal Rock Inlet, that I was never able to identify. All I could ever see was just a sliver of what was probably a juvenile belly, hidden behind the water front rocks. When I got back to Makai Pier at 0845 I found Pua (RF34) at Left Greenery. There would be minimal interaction with M38.
At 1121 Gayle called with the report of an animal at Spitting Cave. She confirmed that it was the same U/U from yesterday, but it’s algae buildup. She saw two ups. Unfortunately the animal was no longer there by the time I arrived at 1140. Maybe tomorrow (I said that yesterday too). Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya tomorrow.
At 0803 they called again to advise that Buster (RV08) was sneaking up behind her at the showers.
Marilyn & Lesley did the Ka’ena Point trek again today. Marilyn reported having found Luana (RN58) at Hidden Beach on the way in from the Mokuleia side, and at 0900, Ka’ena (RO40) at Ka’ena’s Pool at the point.
Team Billand called to advise they had gotten a hotline call about an animal at Depot’s Beach, Nanakuli. When they arrived at 1105 they found Haupu (RB24).
Diga checked in at 1425 with reports ofd La’akea (RK82) at Right Spot’s Spot, and Kaikaina (RL54) At Elbow Beach, Kaihalulu Beach, Turtle Bay. Sadly, no photos.
Team Billand will be at White Plains with Buster & M&M til’ the wee hours so check da’ blog for their day in the morning.
Thanks to Gary for Pohaku,PK2 and RK22&PK1 from Kauai from yesterday.
Pua and M38
Pohaku and RK22 what a good momma
pohaku and pup..... RK22 and her pup
Its like a maternity ward beach!
little cutey!
Thank you so much for your dedication to this blog so that we can be informed about our beloved monks. I hope you have a wonderful day. You da' best!
Happy BDay "Da Prez"!!
Wishing you all the very, very, very best
Arms full of Aloha going your way
Well my dear friends ....
THANK YOU for the good wishes. And back at you for all the support... the blog is what it is because of all of you!
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