At 0644 I found Kainoa (RN04) fronting Left Greenery, on Rabbit Island.

At 0944 he would be joined by Duke (RA12). They would both remain the rest of the day. On a pan at 1045 I found Pua (RF34) just hauling out to the left rock flats on RI.
At 1246 on a routine check of Crappy Cove, Sandy Beach I found Buster (RV08) snoozin’ at the water line. I cordoned him off and he has remained the rest of the day. He departed at 1900.

At 0920 Team Billand reported RIP (RR70) cruisin’ through the White Plains beach front.
At 1006 he would haul out to Kalaeloa Campgrounds. Diane T would report his departure at 1221. The Billands would report his haul out to #1707/08 at 1226. He would depart that location at 1350.
Kainoa and Duke
sorry just plain stupid all the way around
What the heck!
Buster at crappy cove
interestingly a few people captured Buster today in a photo and video which was highlighted on KITV - seems monk seals were big news today! good news too!
Rip at Kalaeloa
AWWWW so sweet poppa and little angel!
there goes RIP
and now there's no room....
but he doesn't care
okay... i've had enough
Thanks for sharing the link - the x-ray photo was proof that if the fisherman hadn't acted quickly the story would not have a happy ending. Also, what is up with people walking right up to a seal? Having been there I know there are signs EVERYWHERE to leave them alone!
Many thanks to Laurie D. for coming to help out with Rip yesterday.
There were hundreds of people out there on the beach, all wanting a pic of the seal, who was running along the shore line to find a spot.
Laurie helped keep folks back, we got the zone up, then we educated folks.
But some surfers decided to come up right in the middle of zone, Rip would Leave...he had ENOUGH of humans for one afternoon.
And thanks to Diane T. for helping at Kalaeloa, the second haul up site for RIP. Your work is much appreciated.
What can I say, White Plains is a place the seals love to go to REST. But its a beach full of humans who also like the area. Such a small beach...we all need to give the seals a small space...it just wants some time to take a break.
If we could get it across to the humans at Plains and Kalaeloa...Let the seal come a shore. Let it BE. We all need our spaces in life, why cant the seals be left alone.
Will today be any different???? Nah...its just a fat lazy seal, taking up space from the humans. Who cares? Who Care???
Again, thanks to Laurie D. and Diane T....you are so very much...APPREICATED.
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