Aloha good people!
I know many of you are extremely busy... and first and foremost covering the weaner shifts are what's important.... BUT... with so many of you and so many photos.... please consider sharing some... For those of us who can't get up to the site.... or folks that follow the blog near and far we are going through withdrawal.
If you would like to share please send photos to the blog via ... it would mean a lot if you can compress the photos to less the 1 MB... anything over that creates problems on my old dated laptop.
I look forward to seeing a variety of shots... I thank you and our blog readers thank you.
da blog lady
Friday, February 28, 2014
2-28-2014 DB's Dailies: U/M&Aukai@RI, Haupu,M&M@WP, Duke@Molokai, U'ilani@RR, R018@Mokuleia, Kermit&Ewa Girl@WSK, RIP,Kolohe&Kerby@Maili Pt, Luana,U/F,Ka'ena@KP
At 1109 on a pan I found what would later prove to be Aukai (RL12) amongst the water front rocks, 50 ft right of 1BS.
At 1034 Molokai Di (Diane Pike) called to advise that she had spent quality time with Duke (RA12) on Molokai today. I’ve just assumed over the weeks that he has been MIA at RI, that he was on Molokai, but its great to have that confirmation.
At 1050 Team Billand found U’ilani (RN36) at the Reef Runway.
At 1125 the Billands reported the arrival of M&M (R020) to join Haupu at WP.
A 1912 call from Kimo Smith brought word from the end of the world. He found Luana (RN58) and the new female from yesterday’s news together on the back beach, and Ka’ena (RO40) a Ka’ena’s Pool. His internet is down so no more info is available.
At 1426 Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) & Ewa Girl (RS00), Ewa Girl would depart at 1626, probably due to nearby fishermen. Kermit remained.
At 1501 Team Billand reported RIP (RR70), Kolohe (RW22) & Kerby (RW08) at Maili Point .
Duke visiting Auntie Diane on Molokai
Kermit and Ewa Girl at Windsock
Kolohe and Kerby
Little U'ilani looking pretty cute!!
PHOTO of the day... no the week... hell no the month... WOW WOW WOW!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
2-26-2014 DB's Dailies: 1 U/M&1UU@RI, Kolohe,Kerby&RIP@Maili Pt, Kermit,Haupu&EG@WSK, Lona@Keaau's
Melanie and I were out there in the SE quadrant but we found no other critters.
I don’t recall the time by M&M (R020) was at Tower 2, White Plains.
At 0912 Team Billands reported what would prove to be Kolohe (RW22) & Kerby (RW08). At 1458 they would be joined by RIP (RR70). All 3 are good Rabbit Island boys, a long way from home.
At 1040 the Billands advised that volunteer Jean had reported Kermit (R012) at Wind Sock.
Also at 1345 Trudy advised that Ewa Girl (RS00) had now hauled out to Wind Sock. She would depart at 1820.
Volunteer Debbie called the Billands at 1345 with the report of a large animal at Keaau’s. The Billands confirmed the Lona (R017) ID at 1403.
A 1402 phone conversation with Dana brought word that Meli spent the day at the pup site at Turtle Bay, on her own. Hopefully, there will be further insight to the blog.
Kerby Kolohe and Rip
Kolohe and Rip
Lona looking long and lean
Grand Dame Ewa Girl
look out dude you are in the presence of royalty
beautiful !
RS00/Ewa Girl,
2-25-2014 Ka'ena Point Crew
Thank you Kimo for sharing .
Luana and her nose wound
she looks so little
Unidentified Female.... maybe a new cast member
no tags...
well no doubt she's a cutie.... maybe she'll stick around for a while.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
2-25-2014 DB's Dailies: Mojo@RI, Pohaku@GR, Kerby&Kolohe@Maili Pt, Haupu,M&M, Lona@WP, Kermit@NIM, Luana,Ka'ena&RW02@KP, R5AY&Meli,Kaikaina,La'akea&RI37@TB
At 0708 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) at Guard Rails Beach, Maili.
At 0958 Team Billand reported Haupu (RB24) hauling out fronting Tower#2, White Plains. At 1020 she would be joined by M&M (R020). Both would depart at 1606.
The first highlight of the day came at 1108 with a call from the Billands reporting and adult female animal hauling out to #1775, White Plains. The description included a reported mid body , right side heal CC scar, and a left side posterior natural bleach. By this description, Lona (R017) was a distinct possibility. The Billand’s shots confirm the Lona (R017) ID. Lona was last sighted on Oahu , at Sandy Beach on 11-15-11. She has always gone back and forth between Oahu and Maui & Molokai, but she hasn’t been back to Oahu since 2011. She has given birth at Kalaupapa, Molokai each year since 2006.
At 1221 Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) fronting pavilion #1813 at Nimitz Cottages.
Kimo Smith called at 1440 from the end of the world. He reported Luana (RN58) at Hidden Beach, Ka’ena (RO40) at his pool,RW02 at the main pool and an U/F on the Back Beach a the point. The U/F may be a new visitor.
At 1645 Dana called with yet another highlight for today. Apparently Meli is on her own this afternoon, and weaning may have occurred. At dark R5AY had not returned. It looks like we’ve got a weaner on D#46. WHAT??? no weaner shots from today :-(
Dana also advised that Kaikaina (RL54) is within the SPZ, while RI37 & La’akea are at Right Spot’s Spot, a bit closer to the hotel.
MM and Haupu at White Plains
two wahine hanging out
Lona is back on Oahu
Well Miss Lona you have given me hope that our Miss Irma is out there somewhere, maybe the same place you been hiding for the LAST 3 YEARS.... Let's hope Miss Irma comes home a lot sooner than that.
Kermit at Nimitz
Kerby and Kolohe
Did you know these two are the same age ( a few months apart)
Here's a little trivia for you.... Kolohe was born at Mokuleia KC offsrping... Kerby was born on Rabbit Island Ewa Girls' offspring.... now here's the interesting part.
Kolohe was relocated to Rabbit Island to avoid human interference... About a year later... Kerby found his way to Ka'ena Point where he spends most of his time. And now at almost 6 years old these two are hanging out together at Maili Point.
Pohaku at Guard Rails
RB24 Hauupu,
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