There were lots of miles on the Kaiwi Kuest by Z&P,Gayle,Kathy, Marilyn and myself, but alas, she was a no show today.

At 1040 I spoke with the guide of a Japanese Scuba Tour at Makai Pier, who reported having swum with "a small seal... with red tags" on the Waimanalo side of the pier at around 0940. No transmitter was seen. At 1154 I spoke with one of the pier regulars who had been out spear fishing, and he too said that he had been swimming with "a small seal". He had no other info. My guess would be Nani, but I can't rule out Duke. The bottom line is ??????

Clay Gates sent a photo of an U/U behind the Shooting Range in Ewa Beach. He couldn't get there to ID the animal, but I know Clay's heart is good. Tanx Eh Clay ! My dollar is on Ewa Girl, but ???????

OMG ! I will NEVER eat another bite EVER again !!!!...... except for pie...ya' gotta' have pie !
And not just one piece.... we have apple, pumpkin, custard and banana cream! This would be my fav part of the meal and day!
Kermit @ Windsock
Irma @ White Plains
So Lovely
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